writing and speaking


Mat is a TEDx speaker, a TOMAX Talks presenter, and a widely read columnist and blogger.

He has written regular column for Chortle, Britain's leading website about comedy, alongside pieces for Time Out, The Huffington Post, BoingBoing, The Magic Circular, Mental Ideas magazine and others, as well as maintaining a successful personal blog. (The pre-2017 archive of which, can still be found here)

He is also an experienced on-stage interviewer, having conducted live interviews with some of the biggest stars of comedy and entertainment for the BBC, The National Theatre, at the Edinburgh festival, and on several West End stages.

He has written about subjects as diverse as depression and creativity, gender, internet trolls, Originality, the power of failure, the late Paul Daniels, and greasy spoon cafes.

He is an ambassador for the mental health focused media company Brainstorm.

You can watch his TEDx talk below.


I NEVER TOLD YOU WHAT I DO FOR A LIVING - Mat talks about his work and art

DROP EVERYTHING - Mat talks juggling

JORDAN, JESSE, GO! - Mat talks The Magic Castle, Hecklers, and takes phone calls (NSFW)

THE PIFF POD - Mat chats with old friend Piff the Magic Dragon

TV CREAM STAYS INDOORS - Mat watches, and then discusses a selection of variety acts

HOW 2 WRESTLING - Mat chats about his friend, legendary wrestler, William Regal

TIGHTS AND FIGHTS - General chat about wrestling